Shocking New Poll Shows Trump Crushing Biden by Seven Points in 2024 Matchup
A game-changing new poll from The Washington Post and ABC News shows President Trump having an unprecedented seven-point lead over an aging Joe Biden in a supposed 2024 matchup. The lead is more than double the margin of error, meaning Trump’s statistical lead over 80-year-old Biden is reasonably certain.
The poll also shows that the Democrats are evenly split on replacing Biden with another left-wing nominee, and more than three-fourths of left-leaning independents want Biden out of the race.
The news comes as the Biden administration suffers yet another humiliating string of defeats, from an outright collapse of the southern border to the abandonment of 16,000 Americans in the faltering African nation of Sudan.
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The controversial administration has the lowest approval rating since taking office – a mere 36 percent. Biden’s presidency has seen the implosion of banks at a scale unprecedented since the 2008 recession, a marked reduction in American foreign influence, high inflation, controversial attempts at vaccine mandates, and the accidental overturning of foreign policy precedent because of the president’s mental blunders.
Biden’s slip from grace has been so drastic that the key demographics which got him elected – the youth, nonwhites, the irreligious, and independents – all have approval ratings under 50 percent.
Despite facing what many call unprecedented political persecution, President Trump is becoming ever-more popular as Americans remember the unprecedented wage growth and historically low unemployment that characterized his presidency. According to the same Washington Post poll, fifty-four percent of Americans think that Trump was better for the economy, compared to 36 percent that support Biden, currently facing the threat of catastrophic debt default.
Many Americans are growing tired of Biden’s “return to normal” sentiment and instead seek a return to the thick wallets (and perhaps the off-color tweets) they had under President Trump.
Trump also fared better against Biden than DeSantis, with Trump having about 45% of the vote to DeSantis’s 42%. The margins between these Republican behemoths will likely change as the Florida governor enters the race and the former president ramps up his campaign.
The anti-electability argument against Trump is becoming increasingly difficult to defend, which has been a key motivator behind a potential DeSantis campaign. The two 2024 hopefuls have been butting heads through press conferences, online jabs, and new TV ad campaigns.
DeSantis is expected to make his presidential announcement soon, given the end of a legislative session that saw a series of massive legislative victories.
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Reactions to the poll have been jubilant from the MAGA wing of the Republican party.
“The 2024 Presidential primary and general is over. America wants President Trump’s back!” ~ Marjorie Taylor Greene
Trump’s detractors have been quick to call the GOP leader out, with former Trump-Administration Attorney General Bill Barr claiming that,
“If you believe in his policies, what he’s advertising is his policies, he’s the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them.”
With the 2024 election still more than a year away, the ground is still uncertain, and both the state of the American nation and the mind of the American voter can shift in the meantime.
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