Jolt Media, Inc. and Florida Jolt is committed to truth in reporting. We’re dedicated to the principles of journalistic integrity and transparency. We believe it is important for our writers to always strive toward these goals so that readers can have complete confidence when they receive their information through our media outlet.
We won’t publish anything that cannot be verified. We need proof before we can print it and share our knowledge with the world!
We rely on sources with first-hand knowledge, not just second-hand accounts. Mere gossip or rumors are not news and we will only publish them if we believe there is an element of truth that our readers need to consider.
We will rely on confidential sources only when the public interest demands it. We expect transparency from our government officials and the powerful, so we hold ourselves to the same standard.
We prioritize primary sources whenever possible and always credit other news sources when their work informs our own. We want our readers to be able to trust the information they find on our site, and we are committed to addressing any concerns as quickly as possible.
We respect privacy interests: We avoid salacious or titillating personal information as “clickbait” and believe that matters such as personal and family life should be treated with good taste.
We will not knowingly violate any law in pursuit of a story.
Florida Jolt will never knowingly misstate a fact. We pride ourselves on being accurate and credible, even while being opinionated.
But like all human beings and endeavors, we can make mistakes. If you spot an inaccuracy or an error in our work, we ask that you email us at [email protected].
We’ll immediately investigate, and if we make a mistake, we’ll issue a prominent correction.