Woke Doctrine Infiltrates Florida Medical School

According to a new report from the conservative medical watchdog organization Do No Harm, the University of Florida College of Medicine has implemented critical race theory and other progressive initiatives into its admissions and academic curriculum.

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The report from Do No Harm claimed that the College attempted to influence its students from the first expression of interest in the school until graduation, “indoctrinating its medical school graduates in divisive philosophies and other forms of social justice activism,” the report’s author Laura Morgan wrote.

“New students encounter the diversity, equity, and inclusion doctrine early and often in the many interactions they have with the numerous health equity offices and diversity councils across campus. The University of Florida invests abundant resources in these programs and retains administrators and faculty members who are paid to push these destructive ideas.”

One of the examples of this incorporation of Woke doctrine in the report is a portal on the admissions website that directs prospective students to “Anti-Racism Training and Resources.” This includes book recommendations such as Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism and Frances Kendall’s How to Be an Ally if You Are a Person with Privilege, both of which are modern scripture for CRT thought.

The webpage for the admissions office also displays a photo of masked students kneeling, holding up a fist, and displaying a poster that reads, “#WHITECOATSFORBLACKLIVES,” the report says.

The report  noted that the school’s diversity statement commits explicitly to taking steps to “enhance the recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups to its student body, residency training programs, faculty and staff positions.” What metric “underrepresented” is determined by is left somewhat vague.

The report on the University of Florida College of Medicine was released days after a federal judge struck down a Florida law aimed at prohibiting public universities from imposing “a condition of employment, membership, certification, licensing, credentialing, or passing an examination” that singles out a specific identity as superior or inferior for any reason, including race. The judge ruled the law violated First Amendment rights for professors and called those professors “priests of democracy.” This decision seems to protect the College’s policy, at least for now.

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