Florida School Board Hammered Over ‘Palestinian’ Propaganda Video

It’s going to take constant vigilance and a profound commitment by parents and concerned institutions to stop the force-feeding of “Palestinian” propaganda to our children in Palm Beach County.

According to parents and Lauren Gross of The Gross Family Center For The Study of Antisemitism And The Holocaust, a biased propaganda video was shown by teacher Mrs. Nast at William T. Dwyer High School on November 2, 2023.

Gross is again organizing a massive letter campaign to the Palm Beach County School Administrators and the School Board Members to stop the showing of this propaganda and replace it with a historically accurate video.

Gross and her organization stepped up just a few weeks ago and helped get a “River to The Sea” teacher put on administrative leave for her outrageous social media posts.

Related: Florida School Board Hit With 500 Letters Over ‘River to Sea’ Teacher

Related: Florida’ River to the Sea’ Teacher Placed on Administrative Leave

Yesterday, Gross dropped off 650 letters opposing the showing of the propaganda video to the Palm Beach County School District today, as well as another 150 from the last letter campaign, including one signed by Florida State Rep. Mike Caruso, R-West Palm Beach

Lauren Gross letters

The letter itself is a history lesson and should be read by anyone wanting to know the truth about the roots of the conflict.

There is no mention in the video of the violent pogroms against the Jews of Palestine committed by their Arab neighbors. These events were strikingly similar to what took place on October 7, 2023, when Arabs murdered, raped, and mutilated Jews, cutting the breasts off women, slicing open pregnant women, beheading some of their victims. Similarly, the film ignores the various attempts to placate the Arabs, including a 1937 plan proposed by the Peel Commission.

The violence, mischaracterized in the video as a righteous fight for Arab freedom, did indeed cause the British, depleted after World War Two, to turn to the fledgling United Nations to resolve the problem. The
U.N. did propose the 1947 partition plan, the Jews did accept it, and the Arabs did reject it.

The quote below is not in the Gross letter, but it upset me so much that I felt I had to include it. But also to remind everyone what sub-human barbarism we are fighting against and to implore you not to look away. Scroll down to the end of this post and send your letter to the Palm Beach County School System. It’s easy to do, and every one of us has to do what we can.

“I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or 10 of the fighters beating and raping her,” recalled Saadon, a foundry shift manager. “She was screaming, ‘Stop it already! I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’

“When they finished, they were laughing, and the last one shot her in the head,” he said. ~Eyewitness Yoni Saadon to the UK Sunday Times


Let the school system know how you feel about one-sided propaganda videos being forced on our children by emailing the Gross Foundation letter to Superintendent Mike Burke and the School Board.

Completing this form will send the Gross Foundation letter to Superintendent Mike Burke and the School Board. A copy will also be emailed to you.

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Other stories you may want to read:

FL Rep. Caruso Demands Action on ‘River to Sea’ Teacher – Karen Brill Made School Board Chair

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