Florida School Board Hit With 500 Letters Over ‘River to Sea’ Teacher

A 1st-grade teacher in Palm Beach County, Florida, a “River From the Sea Palestine Will Be Free” advocate, is about to find out how decent Americans support each other in times of crisis, and so will the Palm Beach County School District.

Lauren Gross of The Gross Family Center For The Study of Antisemitism And The Holocaust has inspired five hundred people to send a letter to Superintendent Burke and the School Board of the School District of Palm Beach County asking for the dismissal of Layann Alhunaidi.

On Nov. 10, I wrote about Layann Alhunaidi, a local elementary school teacher who contacted the school board and the School Superintendent, Mike Burke, demanding some statement or action in support of “Palestine,” aka Gaza.

When Florida Jolt investigated, we found Alhunaidi’s Facebook page full of “River to the Sea” photos, and my phone call with her confirmed her beliefs.

Read the complete account here: Palm Beach County Teacher a ‘River to Sea’ Advocate

The Gross Family letter didn’t pull any punches:

It has come to our attention that Layann Alhunaidi, currently employed by the District as a First Grade teacher, has posted messages of hate and antisemitism on her Facebook page which speak to her belief in the extermination of the Jewish people….

Ms. Alhunaidi and her vicious views have no place in our schools. She and her ilk are one of the reasons that college campuses are exploding with antisemitism now. Please shield our innocent 6 and 7 year olds from such extremism that can create another Holocaust. It is the curriculum of Palestinian children that inculcates such hate that results in the slaughter of Jews. Please do not allow this belief system into our classrooms.

My sources tell me all 500 letters were delivered to the school board late yesterday.

State Rep. Mike Caruso, R-West Palm Beach, who’s been a leader in the fight against antisemitism, is CC’d in the letter.

All 500 people sent the same letter. Read the full LETTER TO MIKE BURKE AND THE SCHOOL BOARD RE: LAYANN ALHUNAIDI

Gross also sent me her statement:

During this time of exploding antisemitism around the world, it is imperative that we eliminate hateful Rhetoric from our classrooms. Palestinian children are taught to kill Jews from the earliest ages in their schools. American teachers who post these same teachings on their social media have no place in our districts nor anywhere near the impressionable minds of our youth.

~Lauren Gross, Director, The Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust

I have to hand it to Ms. Gross. She gets things done. Important things.

When I wrote the first Alhunaidi article, I knew that for anything to happen, the public would have to be outraged enough to speak out and let the school system know that tolerating teachers like Alhunaidi in the classroom was unacceptable.

Most bureaucrats and politicians would look away if they could and ignore someone like Alhunaidi, but there’s been too much of that already, and we can no longer entrust our children to a system that is afraid to support fundamental American values and human decency.

By attacking Israel the way they did, Hamas didn’t only attack Israel; they attacked Western Civilization.

Israel is a tiny outpost of Western Civilization in the Middle East surrounded by barbarian hordes who behead babies. Those of us who still believe in Western Civilization need to step up and fight this fight alongside our Jewish brothers and sisters.

There is no moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas, and anyone who suggests otherwise either supports Hamas or is not a serious person.

Let the school system know how you feel by emailing the Gross Foundation letter to Superintendent Mike Burke and the School Board.

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Other stories you may want to read:

Palm Beach County Teacher a ‘River to Sea’ Advocate

Help Fight Hamas With Kidnapped From Israel Posters

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