PBC School Board candidate videos, GOPMadeSimple on Frankel, and woke cheat sheet

It has been great to watch first-time candidates Amanda Silvestri, Angelique Contreras, and Chris Persaud run for their respective school board seats.

Too often, first-timers don’t know how to put together a campaign, their graphics are terrible, and messaging is amateurish.

It’s a good crop of newcomers, and people should get out and vote for them.

August 23 is almost here. Perform your duty as a citizen and vote.

I like all of these videos for different reasons.

Persaud’s video is entertaining. I watched it six or seven times. His family wrote him a song and made a video of them singing it.

Full Disclosure: I’ve endorsed and donated to the campaigns of Amanda Silvestri, Angelique Contreras, and Chris Persaud.

Fargo, ND, is trying to recruit teachers from Florida who are upset over Florida’s Parental Rights in education bill. Christina Pushaw said goodbye and laughed.

This kind of appeal is good for Florida. Drain the Dems and bring in the Republicans. Although, I’m kinda wondering if Florida’s snowflake lefties could live in the land of the frozen woodchipper.

Alan Huber

Alan Huber understands politics better than most people, and it’s worth subscribing to his free newsletter. He made some astute observations in his latest newsletter. Go check out his website GOPMadeSimple.com

The Democrat Congresswoman that covers most of the county is Lois Frankel. Serving in Congress since 2013 and serving in local elected office since 1986.

The new boundaries give her a D+16 edge.

Quite a number of candidates with no name recognition or money jump in every 2 years to challenge Lois. Unless the Republicans win 100 seats this year, Frankel will easily keep her seat.

In the last two cycles, Republicans have dumped over $4 million while Frankel donates her war chest to other candidates.

Every Republican asks: “How do we beat Frankel?”

The answer is simple. Wait until she steps down in either 2024 or 2026 and run Mike Caruso against her successor.

Short of a well-known multimillionaire who will put $3 million of their own money into the race, the only elected official in the county with crossover potential and who the GOP establishment will commit serious funds to is: Mike Caruso.

It is possible, in the low turnout Republican primary that a small percentage of Anti-RINO activists could take out a state rep who supports the governor 92% of the time. When Lois Frankel calls it quits, and a young Democrat is elected to her seat for the next 20 years, remember:

“Democrats play the long game, and Republicans eat their own.”

Mom’s for Liberty found a great cheat sheet for responding to social justice rhetoric. Drs. Bruce Gilley, Peter Bogossian, & James Lindsay of the Oregon Association of Scholars published it.

We converted the image to a pdf so you can download and use it.

Go get ’em, patriots.

Additional stories you may want to read:

The Orlando Sentinel’s Laughable Hit Piece on Gov. DeSantis

Jack’s PBC Conservative Voter Guide for August 23, 2022

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