Palm Beach County School Board a farce, children not safe
The Palm Beach County School Board meetings are a dysfunctional mess, and school police are putting the school system on notice that, despite the best efforts of police, our children are not safe.
Many school police are in constant contact with parent groups seeking change. A School Board District 6 candidate, Amanda Silvestri, read sample comments from a school police survey. The officers take the survey and pass it around to fellow officers.
You can read the survey questions here:
Watch Amanda Silvestri discuss the survey, read some of the comments, and urge a merger with the Sherriff’s Office:
After being threatened and cursed at by the school board chair, it’s hard to fault school police officers for staying anonymous when they fear retribution by the school board and administration.
Exclusive: School Board Chair curses out school police
Next was a Kamala-ish word salad by District 6 School Board member, Mrs. Marcia Andrews.
Andrews is now at least willing to listen to proposals to merge school police with the Sherriff’s Office, but it doesn’t sound like she has too much confidence in the school police.
.37 seconds: The sheriff brings expertise that we don’t have with our officers within the school district.
.55 I know that when we come together with school police and the sheriff’s office there is just so far our school police can go where the sheriff can take it to another level.
Andrews knows exactly who Amanda Silvestri is because Silvestri is her opponent. Still, she chooses to be rude and calls Silvestri “somebody in the audience…” and denies the veracity of the school police comments.
1:18 I need to know the facts on that. I’m not interested in what somebody in the audience is saying, Mr. Burke.
The quote at 2:51 is priceless. After almost twelve years in office, Andrews said the following:
2:51 I wanna know how much we’re putting in on overhead for administration..
Shouldn’t Andrews already know how much is spent on administration?
Andrews says she spends a lot of time being on the ground with the police, whatever that means. Does she walk a beat, carry a weapon, and respond to calls?
I don’t know, but she doesn’t speak highly of the school police.
2:19 I’m concerned because I’ve been on the ground and I’ve saw some mistakes from our school board district police officers when we’ve had serious tragedies from District 6.
4:57 Our police officers are frightened when you see things happening and they’re acting the way they do because they may feel they can’t even protect themselves.
6:05 How are our school board police how are they doing. How are they doing mentally?
Watch the whole video here:
The school police responded to the board’s implying the survey wasn’t authentic with an angry letter.
I’ve been speaking to members of the school police for a while on multiple stories. The letter is authentic, and the police cite several insider facts that only officers would know.
I urge you to read the letter in full. When rank and file police officers say that “the Police Department is broken and can’t be fixed,” they’re telling us our children are not safe.
we put you on notice that our children in PBC Schools are not properly protected.
Rank and File police letter.
The Palm Beach County School Board and school administration are dysfunctional and can’t be trusted to tell the truth.
The school board needs to stop with the petty low-rent politics, protect the children, and stop worrying so much about their cheesy little political careers.
Do the right thing, people.
Full Disclosure: I have donated to the Amanda Silvestri campaign.
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