Twitter CENSORS Florida Surgeon General Report on COVID Vaccine Risks

Florida Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo took to Twitter to announce the results of the Surgeon General’s office analysis of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and its risks. Twitter quickly removed the tweet, then restored it after substantial backlash.

The tweet from Lapado argued that young, healthy men potentially should not take the vaccine.

Today, we released an analysis on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines the public needs to be aware of. This analysis showed an increased risk of cardiac-related death among men 18-39. FL will not be silent on the truth.

The vaccine guidance linked in the tweet referenced only this subset of the population and did not make statements about vaccine efficacy writ large. The Florida health page quoted Ladapo.

“Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health. Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.”

Twitter, however, censored the tweet, giving no reason other than it violated an unspecified rule.

The move garnered significant backlash, drawing outcry from many on Twitter, including from rapid response director Christina Pushaw and Dr. Eli David.

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Twitter eventually put the Tweet back up, but the fact that a tweet from a health official was removed at all raises further questions about the scope of Twitter’s authority. Twitter users repeatedly raised these questions, pointing out that Twitter was essentially asserting they knew more about health and science than Dr. Ladapo.

Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Charlie Crist made a similar claim, calling Ladapo, a Harvard graduate, an “ideologue” and “quack” promoting “misinformation.” The DeSantis War Room quickly pointed out  Crist’s lack of standing and the absurdity of his attack.

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