Republicans Triumph in Palm Beach County, Blowout Dems

Republicans scored a significant win in Palm Beach County on Tuesday, with GOP candidates claiming victory in more than half of their races. The results of this week’s municipal elections signal a continued trend toward the Republican Party in the county, which began only a few short years ago. Despite Democrats’ holding a voter registration edge in the county, more than 60 percent of voters on Tuesday were registered Republican.

Democrats’ performance in the county is far from what it used to be. One year ago, Democrats held a registration advantage of nearly 97,000 voters. After inactive voters were purged from the rolls, that margin has shrunk to just 55,000.

Delray Beach, with a population of 67,000, swung for Joe Biden by 30 points in 2020. On Tuesday, it swung Republican, electing Tom Carney as mayor by a landslide margin of 13 points.

While Florida’s municipal elections are technically nonpartisan, Republican-aligned candidates crossed finish lines across the county.

Michael Napoleone took home nearly 80 percent of the vote in Wellington to become the village’s next mayor. Amanda Silvestri, a business owner and longtime resident, bested Democratic former Mayor Bob Margolis for Seat 1 on Wellington’s council.

In Loxahatchee, Republican-endorsed candidates Anita Kane and Phillis Maniglia both won seats on the town council

Mimi May of Lake Worth, identified as a Republican by Florida Jolt in February, won her election to Seat 3 of the City Commission over socialist-endorsed incumbent Kim Stokes.

Other GOP candidates who scored a victory Tuesday night include Bridget Moran for Seat 3 on the Palm Beach Town Council, Orlando Puyol for Seat 3 of the Palm Beach Village Council, Sara Perez for Seat 2 on the Pahokee Commission, and Rick Sartory for Seat 5 of the Tequesta Village Council.

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Republicans in Palm Beach County received a substantial boost from the GOP presidential primary vote, which coincides with the state’s uniform municipal elections.

“We had predicted that with President Trump on the ballot, Republican voter turnout would be strong in Palm Beach County, and it was,” County GOP Chairman Kevin Neal told Florida Jolt.

“More votes were cast on Election Day in Palm Beach County than in any other county in Florida. We won almost 60% of the races where we had a candidate running, including a huge win in Delray Beach, where Tom Carney was elected Mayor buoyed by disproportionate Republican voter turnout in a city that Joe Biden won by nearly 30 points in 2020. Tom ran a fantastic campaign. We worked hard to get him elected, and we are excited to have him as our new mayor in Delray Beach.”

~Kevin Neal, Republican Party of Palm Beach County Chairman

The Florida Democratic party did not hold a primary of their own; instead, they canceled it to support incumbent Joe Biden. Florida Party Chair Nikki Fried had promised other initiatives to make up the difference and support Democrat municipal candidates across the state, but those efforts ultimately failed to materialize.

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Nearly 68,000 GOP primary voters cast ballots in Palm Beach County, with 78 percent going to former President Donald Trump. He was previously declared the presumptive Republican nominee earlier this month. He will face President Joe Biden for a rematch in November.

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