Palm Beach Post wants you to know it’s a newspaper

Today I received an unusual email from the Palm Beach Post. The subject line was “Trump is still important, with the proper amount of perspective.”

I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say the Post hates President Trump, and there wasn’t any hate evident here.

Executive Editor Rick Christie signed the email and talked up an old friend of mine, Antonio “Tony” Fins.

Fins thinks like a Republican, the only person I know of at the Post who does, but there might be one or two more hiding under their desks.

Fins is a good guy. He was the big cheese at the Sun-Sentinel when I was their token conservative blogger for a while pre-2010.

Christie, and this is what’s amusing, ended his praise of Fin by reminding everyone that in his view, The Palm Beach Post was an actual newspaper.

Fins’ story cut through all the political and partisan noise to state facts, as well as the opinions of experts and observers based on those facts.

This is what we do, over and over again. Every day, with the support of our subscribers, Post reporters and photographers are always out there looking, covering, questioning. Check out more of their work from the past week below.

I hope you enjoy and continue to support local journalism. We’re grateful, and we’ll make more.

And please, tell a friend.

Rick Christie
Executive Editor

Most Republicans consider the Post the newsletter of the Democratic Party and a hate Governor DeSantis propaganda machine.

Christie felt the need to assure Post readers that not everyone is a progressive at the Post, so Tony Fins had a well-deserved moment in the sun.

I don’t know if the Post hears footsteps or someone in management is having a mid-life crisis, but as good as Fins is, I know what they were trying to do, and it made me laugh.

Antonio Fins Bio 

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