Hysterical Dem Eskamani-Teen Girls Will ‘Cut Off Their Own Breasts,’ If Child Sex Changes Banned

Florida State Rep. Anna Eskamani (D-Orlando) raised some eyebrows in Tallahassee this week, claiming that if lawmakers prohibit sex change operations for minors, teen girls may start cutting off their breasts. The Florida House is currently weighing a bill that would effectively block so-called “gender-affirming” surgeries and hormone therapies for children under 18 and prohibit using public dollars to fund those treatments. HB 1421 would also preclude minors currently receiving trans therapies from continuing beyond December 31, 2023–something Eskamani says will lead to teenagers mutilating themselves.

“Surgery is very, very rare for those under 18,” Eskamani said Tuesday during a House discussion of the bill.

“When it does happen, these are children who are going to cut off their own breasts if we don’t help them. They are wrapping bands around their chest so tight that they can’t breathe.

And so please, try to put yourself into the shoes of those impacted. Ignore the moral panic that has been manufactured many times by right wing media and integrated into political campaigns”

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Eskamani was one of few lawmakers to argue against HB 1421 on Tuesday, claiming that if teenagers “are unable to access care, then they have suicidal ideations.”

“Their self-esteem is low, and we should respect parents to make decisions for their families, with their kid.”

During the discussion, several trans activists were filmed throwing underwear at lawmakers from the gallery to protest the bill. They were removed from the building shortly after. One of the undergarments shared on Twitter by Rep. Spencer Roach bore the message, “Fascism has no place in Florida stop trans genocide.” Others included slogans like “leave my genitals alone” and “Not your business.”

“I support the rights of fully informed adults who identify as transgender to pursue sex reassignment procedures,” Sen. Alexis Calatayud said. “Similarly, I believe it is the responsibility of this body to protect children from life-altering and irreversible choices of which they cannot consent.” The Senate passed its version of the bill on April 4.

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Eskamani did not give any evidence to her claim that teens would soon begin removing their breasts. However, the Florida Department of Health received a visit last July from 17-year-old Chloe Cole, a former trans student who says that she was encouraged to receive a “gender-affirming” double mastectomy at age 15 without fully understanding the ramifications. Cole had visited Florida in support of measures similar to HB 1421.

“I really didn’t understand all of the ramifications of any of the medical decisions that I was making. I was unknowingly physically cutting off my true self from my body, irreversibly and painfully,” Cole said at a public hearing.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to fully carry a child, and I might be at increased risk for certain cancers, mainly cervical cancer. And because I do not have my breasts, … I am not able to breastfeed whatever future children I have.

That realization, actually, was one of the biggest things that led to me realizing that this was not the path that I should have taken.”

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