Palm Beach Post’s Welfare Check Eliminated by County Commission
In a move long overdue, the Palm Beach County Commission voted 4-2 to stop paying the Palm Beach Post approximately $248,000 a year to publish legal notices.
That there was even a debate about this in 2023 is ridiculous and only illustrates how far partisan Democrats will go and how much they’ll dissemble to protect the Palm Beach Post, the newsletter for the progressive wing of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party.
The county commission vote took place on Sept. 12, and many people missed it, but my old buddy and former Chair of the Palm Beach County Republican Party, Sid Dinerstein, had such great quotes in the “Power Poll’ that he sent it to me.
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Dinerstein said this, as Joe Capozzi reported.
“Normally I’m a strong First Amendment guy. But this is special. The Palm Beach Post has worked so hard at insulting and dismissing all things Republican. Therefore, no Republicans subscribe,’’ said Sid Dinerstein, former Republican Party of Palm Beach County chairman.
‘‘The paltry remaining readers are far Left Dems looking for more Republican bashing. Time is up,’’ Dinerstein said. “No longer do we Republicans have any interest in publicly funding Dem organs. As we say here in Palm Beach County: Karma. It’s a beach!’’~Sid Dinerstein
Dinerstein is correct. Many republican candidates won’t even talk to the Palm Beach Post, and telling anyone in Republican political circles that you subscribe to the Palm Beach Post (Dead Tree version especially) is like branding yourself with a scarlet letter and drinking Bud Light in front of a Target store.
The arguments for continuing to give the Palm Beach Post corporate welfare are absurd.
At the county commission meeting when the vote was taken, the arguments boiled down to “the seniors, the seniors!” can’t use the internet, and even stupider was Commissioner Maria Sachs babbling about an “independent press” and that she believes in “the papers.”
Not all seniors are as feeble-minded and decrepit as Joe Biden. The demographic stats for Florida Jolt’s last million pageviews are as follows:
50% of our readers are 55 or over, and 23.5% are over 65. The primary audience for online news is older. 72.5% of our audience reads Florida Jolt on their phone and 8.22% on a tablet. 80.74% of our readers use sophisticated devices to access our site. I’ve been in the online news business for around twelve years, and give or take 5 or 10 percent, those numbers hold for every news site I know, and I know the stats for many news sites.
The Palm Beach Post shouldn’t require taxpayer money to be independent; if they do, their business model is no longer viable, and maybe they should close down.
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The vote on the county commission was 4-2, with Commissioners Sara Baxter, Michael Barnett, Marci Woodward, and Greg Weiss voting to end the subsidy and Commissioners Mack Bernard and Maria Sachs voting to keep giving the Palm Beach Post their welfare check.
Props to the Democratic Mayor and County Commissioner Greg Weiss for voting to end the subsidy along with the three Republicans. Republican Commissioner Maria Marino was absent. Weiss is too bright to embarrass himself by siding with the lame scare tactics and ignorant arguments of the other two Democratic Commissioners.
Here’s the kill shot for the pro-welfare luddite senior argument. You can already have legal notices from Palm Beach County emailed to you for free. Just go to and sign up. The Palm Beach County system will be set up in a similar fashion. I would submit that if you’re too old and incapable of signing up for an email, you’re probably too old to be interested in reading legal notices.
The Palm Beach Post is so left-wing that one might as well put one’s legal notice in a bottle and throw it in the intracoastal because it will have a better chance of a Republican reading it than it will if it’s published in the Post.
There will be no more money from the swamp for the Palm Beach Post, and as my old friend Sid used to say, ‘that’s a good thing.”
You can watch the portion of the meeting dedicated to legal notices, hear the arguments, and see the vote here:
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Editor’s Note: The original story mistakenly said that the Power Poll was affiliated with the Palm Beach Post and that Joe Capozzi worked for the Post.
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