FAU Chair Could Be Removed By DeSantis – Board Panics
When wrongdoers get caught, they sometimes panic and jump out of a window instead of taking responsibility for their actions. That’s what seems to be going on with FAU. Only two trustees had the common sense and decency to vote against the latest mishigas (insanity), a vote to do away with moving the board of trustees vice chair to Chair, should the chair leave or get removed by Governor DeSantis.
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In the latest twist during an FAU board of trustees meeting, FAU Faculty Senate Chair Kim Dunn made an “unexpected” motion that wasn’t on the agenda. She wants to bypass Vice Chair Barbara Feingold for the board of trustees Chair and vote someone else in should Chair Brad Levine resign from the board of trustees or be removed by Governor DeSantis. Feingold would have automatically advanced to chair if Levine had been given the heave-ho.
This hasty plan was suddenly spat out at the end of a board meeting during member comments. It wasn’t on the meeting agenda, yet all voted in favor, except Pablo Paez and Linda Stoch. Paez pointed out that this item should be noticed on the agenda at the next meeting where a discussion would occur. Feingold wasn’t at the meeting for the unceremonious backstabbing.
So why would this happen to Feingold? One distinct possibility is that Feingold supported Governor DeSantis’s recommendation for university president, State Rep Randy Fine. R-Brevard County. One of the chair’s duties is to appoint members to the Presidential Search Committee. The current committee wants anyone but Fine. A Feingold committee choice might yield a different outcome.
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A current investigation into FAU, dealing with perceived “anomalies” that took place during a now-suspended search for a new university president, will conclude soon, and any wrongdoing, if any, will be revealed in November. Instead of just allowing the investigation to unfold and conclude, FAU is acting guilty by proactively making some unorthodox moves, such as trying to put interim president Stacy Volnick in permanently, despite Volnick agreeing not to apply for the position, which would bypass the actual legal method for hiring a new university president, which involves a search. Faculty supposedly wants Volnick in, but it’s not their decision. As reported last week, the board of trustees can’t simply vote someone in, or the search process wouldn’t have occurred.
According to an article by Ryan Daily, Kim Dunn said,
The suspended search has hurt the school’s reputation and is hampering the efforts to fill other high-level positions.
Dunn also noted;
Installing Volnick does not presuppose the outcome of the Board of Governors’ investigation, nor does the motion cast doubt of the presidential search process or the finalists that were named.
This is an odd comment, given that Dunn suggests bypassing the legal rules, throwing out the search results altogether, and skipping over the three candidates considered so remarkable a hot second ago. Still, Dunn is not a fan of Gov. DeSantis, and one can’t help but think this is just another cheap shot at our governor by leftists who think they own FAU.
FAU is proposing ideas that may not be legal. Levine has one foot in his political grave and wants to ensure that Feingold goes, too, if he goes. Feingold generously agreed to gift FAU thirty million dollars for a dental school in honor of her late husband, Jeffrey Feingold. Jeffrey Feingold selflessly gave so much of himself to ensure the success of FAU, and now his wife is doing everything possible to continue his legacy. Feingold is a vocal Republican who supported Governor DeSantis’ university president recommendation, State Rep Randy Fine, a leader in the Florida House who is a staunch parental rights advocate against DEI. Interim president Volnick’s bio on X, formerly known as Twitter, has a telling virtue-signaling statement;
FAU has closed equity gaps to ensure that all students succeed.~FAU Interim President Stacy Volnick
Everything we see at FAU appears to be nothing but a woke university’s political agenda.
FAU has a defiant board that can’t wait for an investigation to conclude that could prove innocence and answer any remaining questions. Instead of sitting still, they’re making panicky and unthought-out moves. Whatever is going on here definitely isn’t kosher.
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