Trump Draws Big Laughs With Biden Impression: ‘Let’s Indict the Motherf–ker’
Donald Trump spoke to a packed crowd at the California GOP Convention on Friday, seeking to lock down support in the state’s coming Republican primary. The former President’s performance did not disappoint as he cracked jokes, drew big laughs from the audience, and relentlessly mocked Democrat leadership.
In one hilarious moment, he took a shot at President Biden.
“Some people say Biden’s going to make it. Does anybody think he’s going to make it to the starting gate?” Trump asked the crowd of Republicans, who replied with a resounding, “no!”
Trump then started to do an impression of the 80-year-old Biden, mocking his repeated confusion and aimlessness on stage.
“Look here’s a stage,” Trump began. “I’ve never seen this stupid stage before – I’ve never seen it before. But if I walk left there’s a stair. And if I walk right, there’s a stair.”
The audience burst into laughter.
“And this guy gets up, ‘Where am I? Where the hell am I?’ Trump said, wandering aimlessly around the stage.
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Trump referred to Biden as “terrible.”
“You know, I’m much tougher on him than I used to be. Out of respect for the office, I was never like – He’s the most corrupt president, the most incompetent president we’ve ever had.”
He then made reference to the four criminal indictments that were brought against him this year.
“What they’ve done is they’ve gone after opponents, so that if you become president, or some other job, but if you become president and you don’t like somebody, or if somebody’s beating you by ten, fifteen, or twenty points like we’re doing with Crooked Joe Biden, let’s indict the motherf–ker! Let’s indict him.”
The former President’s comments drew loud applause.
While Trump would have little chance of winning California against Biden in a 2024 rematch, he still appeared at the convention in a bid to win over support in the coming GOP primary. He spoke about issues facing Californians, namely the breakdown of law and order.
“California was once the symbol of American success. Today, under the radical left fascists and Marxists that run your state, it’s becoming a symbol of our nation’s decline,”
Trump promised that if re-elected, he would bring “retribution for theft and destruction and the ruination of our country.”
“We will immediately stop all of the pillaging and theft. Very simply: If you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store,” he said to the cheering crowd. “Shot!
We have the greatest law enforcement in the world” he added, saying they “know what to do, but they aren’t allowed to do anything because of incompetent politicians.”
“The word that ‘they shoot you’ will get out within minutes, and our nation within one day will be an entirely different place,”
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Trump also took a jab at former House Speaker and Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, as well as her husband.
“We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco — how’s her husband doing, anybody know?” he said, referring to last year’s attack on Paul Pelosi by a hammer-wielding nudity activist. “And she’s against building a wall at our border, even though she has a wall around her house — which obviously didn’t do a very good job.”
“Together we will reverse the decline of America and we will end the desecration of your once great state California,” Trump said. “This is not a great state anymore. This is a dumping ground. You’re a dumping ground.”
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