Trump, Allies Urge Biden Drug Test Before CNN Debate

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is urging President Joe Biden to submit to a drug test in advance of this week’s Presidential debate — just days after suggesting his opponent’s ‘debate prep’ might include a few lines of cocaine.

“DRUG TEST FOR CROOKED JOE BIDEN??? I WOULD, ALSO, IMMEDIATELY AGREE TO ONE!!!” Trump posted to his Truth Social page Tuesday afternoon.

Biden has been isolated at his Presidential hideaway at Camp David since last week, allegedly so the 81-year-old Commander-in-Chief can prepare for his debate appearance on CNN this Thursday. The absence of any public appearance in recent days has led critics, including the former President, to speculate as to whether Biden is being “jacked up” on any performance-enhancing drugs.

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Shortly after posting his remarks, Trump also shared a letter to his social media page from Congressman and former White House Doctor Ronny Jackson (R-TX) demanding Biden to take a “clinically validated drug test.” Jackson, who previously served as the top physician for Presidents Trump and Obama, penned the three-page letter to Biden on Monday.

“American citizens must have absolute confidence in their President’s ability to perform his or her duties as Head of State and Commander in Chief, and the debate performance absolutely should be indicative of an individual’s ability to perform these critical duties free of any performance-enhancing drugs or mood-altering medications,” Jackson wrote.

“This drug test should be administered both immediately before and after the debate and should include, but not be limited to, performance enhancing drugs,” ~ Fmr. White House Doctor Ronny Jackson

Jackson also wrote to the current White House doctor, Kevin O’Connor, urging him to take action.

“…over the past four years, President Biden’s mental decline has continued to accelerate, and instances of him slurring his words, shuffling his feet, stumbling while walking, losing his train of thought, and appearing confused and lost during public appearances have become even more frequent.”

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During a Saturday campaign rally in Philadelphia, Trump took a shot at Biden’s ‘debate prep’ at Camp David. “Right now, Crooked Joe has gone to a log cabin to study,” he said, eliciting laughter from the audience.

“He’s sleeping now, because they want to get him good and strong. So a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass,” Trump told his supporters, adding, “He’ll come out all jacked up, right?”

The former President’s comments frustrated Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu, who called it “trash talk.”

“The other day, you may remember, he was trying to question our president’s mental acuity, and he could not remember the name of his own doctor,” Landrieu said during an MSNBC interview. “So tell President Trump to bring whatever he’s got. President Biden will be standing there ready for him.”

Both Presidential contenders are expected to take the debate stage on Thursday in Atlanta. It will be the first time the pair have faced off in a debate since October 2020. The event will be televised on CNN.

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