Rubio Introduces Bill to Ban Transgenderism in the U.S. Military-‘Stupid Way to Go About Protecting Our Nation’
Republican US Senator from Florida, Marco Rubio, recently introduced legislation to broadly ban transgender people from the military, with limited exceptions.
Titled “The Ensuring Military Readiness Act,” it would prohibit any individual with a history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria from serving in the military if intending to do in the role of the opposite sex. Individuals who have been stable in their biological sex for 36 months before seeking to join the military or are enlisted and tough living as their biological sex will still be allowed to enter, regardless of any prior history.
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Any individual who refers to themself as transgender, but lacks any history or diagnosis of gender dysphoria, will be allowed to serve in their biological sex, assuming they are otherwise qualified.
Rubio isn’t alone. Senators Marsha Blackburn, Ted Budd, Tommy Tuberville, and Mike Braun cosponsored the bill. Congressman Jim Banks is set to introduce companion legislation in the House.
Rubio argued that allowing people to serve in roles contrary to their biological sex is detrimental to military readiness.
“It is a stupid way to go about protecting our nation. We need to spend more time thinking about how to counter threats like China, Russia, and North Korea and less time thinking about pronouns,”
Senator Blackburn echoed the sentiment.
“The United States military is no place for social experiments. Communist China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea do not care what our servicemembers’ pronouns are. We must get back to maintaining a strong military and showing the rest of the world that the U.S. is serious about our security and continued freedom. Any time we’re not spending on readiness is time the New Axis of Evil gains the upper hand.”
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Senator Tuberville said something similar, arguing that not passing the bill was tantamount to socially experimenting with the military.
“The world is on the brink of a major conflict, and America’s military must be ready to fight at a moment’s notice,” the senator said. “Now is not the time to socially experiment with our armed forces at the expense of readiness, morale, and our national defense. The military maintains rigorous mental and physical requirements because our service members must be as capable and deployable as possible. Those requirements should include all conditions that make a service member physically unfit to serve, including the long and expensive process of gender transition.”
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Rubio also noted that strict standards to enter the military standards are not unprecedented, implying that restricting transgender participation would be a return to the norm instead of a deviation.
“The military has strict standards for who can and cannot qualify to serve. For example, under President Biden, you can’t serve with a peanut allergy. Biden has turned our military into a woke social experiment.”
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