Rick Scott Endorses Trump for President – ‘The Stakes are Too High’

Florida Senator and former Governor Rick Scott is supporting former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race to the White House. Scott offered his endorsement Thursday in a new op-ed published in Newsweek titled “It’s Time To Unite Behind Donald Trump.” In the piece, Scott lamented the country’s current state of affairs but said Trump’s candidacy offered an opportunity to restore America to its “rightful position.”

“I am optimistic that we can return America to its rightful position of economic and military strength and the undisputed moral leader of the free world, but only with strong leadership in the White House,” Scott wrote.

“That is why I support my friend President Donald J. Trump to be the 47th president of the United States and encourage every Republican to unite behind his efforts to win back the White House.”

In a nod to the rest of the GOP field, Scott said that “every single one of them would be a better president than Joe Biden” but concluded that “Republican voters are making their voices heard loud and clear. They want to return to the leadership of Donald Trump,”

“I’d never demand or even ask that another candidate drop out of a political contest. That’s a decision for every candidate to make for themselves. But I’m supporting Donald Trump for president because the stakes are too high. The future of our country depends on our ability to come together and throw Joe Biden and these radical Democrats, who are intent on destroying our country, out of office.”

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In explaining his decision, Scott summarized the current problems facing America,

“An open border with terrorists, criminals, and drugs pouring into our country. A botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that stranded thousands of Americans and our allies behind enemy lines, … A military that is more focused on pronouns than lethality. The complete destruction of women’s sports. People getting paid not to go to work. Crime rampant in major U.S. cities and people who break laws no longer being held accountable. A nation where criminals have more rights than victims…”

Scott also cited the “appeasement” of the Chinese and Iranian regimes by the Biden administration. The Florida Senator specifically referenced the $6 billion in Iranian assets, which was unfrozen by the administration just before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack against Israel.

Referencing 40th President Ronald Reagan’s famous speech, Scott added that it was “not morning in America” anymore.

“It’s midnight in America. In my view there is one person running who has the strength to bring America back, who is well-positioned to win the Republican primary, and who will win the general election. And that is why I am supporting Donald Trump for president.”

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Despite the Florida Senator’s endorsement of their opponent, the Presidential campaign for Governor Ron DeSantis does not appear to have been rattled. In response to the op-ed, DeSantis Communications Director Andrew Romeo highlighted the endorsements his boss has received from state legislators nationwide.

“Ron DeSantis has more endorsements from state legislators than the former president in Iowa (41), New Hampshire (63), and South Carolina (16),” Romeo said, according to a report by Florida Politics.

“He also has the support of almost all Florida elected officials because he worked with them to deliver historic results for the conservative movement. The governor will win his home state because Floridians want to see a fighter who will bring the same type of results-oriented leadership to Washington that he has provided in the Sunshine State,”

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