Renner Names Committee Leaders

House Majority Leader Mike Grant, R-Port Charlotte, will chair a newly created select committee focused on responding to Hurricane Ian and Hurricane Nicole and preparing for future storms, according to appointments announced Tuesday by House Speaker Paul Renner, R-Palm Coast.

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Rep. Tom Leek, R-Ormond Beach, will be the House’s top budget writer as chairman of the Appropriations Committee.

Other appointments announced by Renner were Rep. Bob Rommel, R-Naples, as chairman of the Commerce Committee; Rep. Ralph Massullo, R- Lecanto, as chairman of the Education & Employment Committee.

Rep. Bobby Payne, R-Palatka, as chairman of the Infrastructure Strategies Committee; Rep. Randy Fine, R-Brevard County, as chairman of the Health & Human Services Committee; Rep. Tommy Gregory, R-Lakewood Ranch, as chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

Rep. Daniel Perez, R-Miami, as chairman of the Rules Committee; Rep. Lawrence McClure, R-Dover, as chairman of the State Affairs Committee; and Rep. Stan McClain, R-Ocala, as chairman of the Ways & Means Committee. Renner, who was sworn in Tuesday as speaker, announced that he was creating the Select Committee on Hurricane Resiliency & Recovery.

Last week, he announced other committee and subcommittee changes, including creation of the Infrastructure Strategies Committee.

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