Now ‘They’ Say Showering Daily is Bad-Don’t Fall For It

According to Harvard Health, approximately two-thirds of Americans shower daily, but that may change if some “environmental experts” have their say.

It’s become a societal norm to shower once a day, sometimes more, if you exercise. The idea is that most of us don’t want to be social pariahs or end up like the goat Kristi Noem shot because it stunk to high heaven. Don’t fall for it. Although some say this is a health thing, there’s a good chance it’s more about a bunch of tree-huggers who want to control your water allotment. 

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Cleanliness is a cultural phenomenon. We all think of being clean as hygienic and sanitary. We’ve all heard cleanliness is next to Godliness. Now, “environmentalists” are saying save your soap and turn off your faucets. Daily showers aren’t necessary and may not have any health benefits. One expert, who showers once a month and probably has no friends, had a lot to say in an interview with the BBC. 

“Why are we washing? Mostly because we’re afraid somebody else will tell us that we’re smelling,” environmentalist Donnachadh McCarthy said in an interview with the BBC. McCarthy said he only showers once a month, freshening up with sink washes in between.

Some people have sensitive skin, and overwashing can cause problems such as itchy skin that cracks easily because soap and body washes can strip the skin of necessary oils. 

According to an expert in an article from Fox News, daily showers could weaken the immune system.

This is one reason some pediatricians and dermatologists recommend against daily baths for kids. Frequent baths or showers throughout a lifetime may reduce the ability of the immune system to do its job.

“Overcleaning your body is probably not a compelling health issue,” Shmerling wrote, but the real reason we’re being told not to shower as much may lie in the following statement. 

However, daily showers do not improve your health, could cause skin problems or other health issues— and, importantly, they waste a lot of water.

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“While there is no ideal frequency, experts suggest that showering several times per week is plenty for most people (unless you are grimy, sweaty or have other reasons to shower more often),” said Shmerling in the Harvard Health article.

There’s an episode of Sex and The City in which Samantha meets a man with terrible breath. When she says something about it, he says he’s been taking herbs to extend his life. She tells him that with breath like that, he’ll be living a long life alone.

My advice. If you want to have a social life and if you ever want to get laid, your best bet is a short shower once a day, every day. 

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