‘Me So Horny’ Rapper Eyes Congresswoman Sheila McCormick’s Seat

The NY Post has reported that Democrat Luther Campbell, a former rapper from the group “2 Live Crew,” known for controversial classic hit songs such as “Me So Horny,” is planning on running for Congress against current Florida District 20 Congresswoman Democrat Sheila McCormick. Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already endorsed McCormick, but Campbell says he has a great chance of winning.

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According to the NY Post,

Campbell, 63, is a hip-hop legend whose 1989 album “As Nasty As They Wanna Be” was the center of a landmark obscenity case. “I’m gonna make an announcement in a couple of weeks,” he said. In January, Campbell officially launched a political committee to explore unseating incumbent Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-Fla.) 

Campbell eloquently laid out his “nasty as he wants to be” plan to Bulwark like this;

“I get to fight these mother f–kers,” “Matt Gaetz, Donald Trump, and all these crazy-ass Republicans who want to divide us.”

Campbell may be running on a free-speech platform. After his “Horny” hit song came out, it was declared legally obscene by a federal judge, which meant that music sellers could have been lawfully considered libel for distributing it. 

The NY Post  continues with;

“As Nasty As They Wanna Be” — an album on which the leadoff track, “Me So Horny,” sampled lurid come-ons spoken by a Vietnamese prostitute in Stanley Kubrick’s 1987 war flick “Full Metal Jacket — was declared legally obscene in 1990 by South Florida federal judge Jose Gonzalez, Jr.

The controversy surrounding the album led to the group’s 1990 chart-topping song “Banned in the U.S.A.,” which featured bars on the initial court decision, their subsequent arrest, and a full-throated defense of “freedom of expression.”

This isn’t Campbell’s first shot at a political run. In 2011, he ran for mayor in  Miami-Dade County and considered running against Governor Ron DeSantis in 2022. Politics appears to be a family interest. Cambell’s older brother, Democrat Stanley Cambell,  has announced that he, too, will run for office against Republican Senator Rick Scott. 

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Campbell may be right about McCormick’s vulnerabilities. McCormick won a special election in 2022 for her current seat when  Congressman Rep. Alcee Hastings passed away. McCormick is facing some issues dealing with possible campaign finance violations, and with Campbell’s built-in name recognition already in place, he may win this primary in August. Maybe another name-recognition Republican will run for this seat against whichever Democrat wins the primary. Here’s hoping for “We the People” Republican anthem singer and conservative rocker Kid Rock. 

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