Leftist DEI Firm Collapses, Black Founder Attacks Whiteness of Cofounder

It appears incessant woke virtue signaling wasn’t enough to disprove ‘racism’ accusations between two business partners. Michelle Saahene and Melissa DePino, cofounders of a radical left “racial justice” non-profit, has been locked in a vitriolic battle of words, with the former launching a slew of racial attacks against her white leftist cofounder.

DePino and Saahene were both moved by witnessing the arrest of two black Americans in a Starbucks, prompting them to start the non-profit “Privilege to Progress.” Despite making hundreds of thousands of dollars spreading their radical message together, the two former woke anti-racist warriors are at each other’s throats.

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Saahene, a black American, attacked DePino, a white American, over her race, saying that she’s learned that it’s important to “recognize how white people shouldn’t take the lead on addressing the very problems they are still perpetuating in their everyday life.”

DePino was responsible for publishing a now-viral video of police mistreating African Americans in a Starbucks coffee shop. Despite this, Saahene evidently doesn’t think DePino has sufficiently cleansed herself of her white guilt.

Saheene also accused DePino of “racial micro-aggressions and paternalism” owing to her white skin and older age. Despite the two both owning the company and making an equal amount of money for shared speaking events, Saheene said that she should receive more for the “emotional labor as a Black woman dealing with racism firsthand.”

DePino reacted to these accusations, saying that ultimately the lack of action did not come from her and her “whiteness” – but from her African American cofounder.

“She was also the president. I was vice president. So she could have instituted one on her own. I didn’t know she felt so wronged.”

Saaheene said the woke race-based compensation would contribute to a more “equitable” payment scheme.

Saaheene even went as far as to say that DePino’s refusal of race-based payments and reluctance to discuss “how capitalism perpetuates white supremacy” made her racism concerns performative.

“Issues involving the protection of Black women, white women taking up space, inequity, exploitation of Black people, white people largely profiting off of this work while clearly not qualified, and performative allyship were a few of the concerns I had raised. Her actions pushed me out of our joint venture.”

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Saaheene then took to social media to call for the dissolution of the racial justice organization, also taking the time to say that,

“Even with the best intentions, white people in positions of leadership in racial justice or diversity & inclusion will likely cause harm because they simply don’t have the racial awareness or lived experience to do the work from an equitable and compassionate lens.”

DePino has made it clear she wishes to continue “Privilege to Progress” and her leftist advocacy much to the dismay of her cofounder, who sees it as a “white woman co-opting what should be Black lead movements while simultaneously avoiding doing the deep work, developing an inflated ego, and trying to push out the Black founding members.”

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