Krugman Attacks DeSantis With Cherrypicked Data, Gets Debunked by Conservative Twitter

While most Floridians showed that they were satisfied with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ Covid-19 response by re-electing him by historic margins, liberal New York Times economist Paul Krugman criticized the Governor’s Covid-19 response on Twitter Sunday morning.

Krugman began by claiming that DeSantis’ Covid-19 response caused the “unnecessary death of 20,000 Floridians.”

The economist claimed that DeSantis and other Republican Governors promoted “disinformation and anti-tax propaganda.”

He did not explain why advocating for low taxes somehow resulted in more Covid-19 deaths, though it is possible that he meant to say that DeSantis was promoting anti-vax propaganda.


Krugman adjusted for population to claim that Florida had more Covid deaths than states with Democrat Governors who locked down their states, such as California and New York.

While he made sure to adjust for population, he dishonestly did not adjust for age, which was one of the most important determining factors if someone infected with Covid-19 would get seriously ill or die.

Another user pointed out that the CDC listed deaths from New York City and the state of New York separately, even though New York City is contained within New York state.  When you combine both, New York had more Covid-19 deaths per capita than Florida, even if you don’t adjust for age.

Embarrassingly, the user said it only took them a few seconds to find his mistake.

Krugman then implied that he does not support lockdowns but was simply criticizing DeSantis for promoting ‘disinformation’ regarding the vaccine.

“We’re not talking about lockdowns and restrictions at this point, just about lifesaving shots DeSantis deterred people from getting,” Krugman said.

One user correctly pointed out that Krugman was not only an advocate of lockdowns but also advocated for extending them past what many Governors, including Governor DeSantis, allowed.

“Aren’t you the same clown that believed that lockdowns work?”  he asked.

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In late 2020, Krugman defended New York Governor Christopher Cuomo’s restrictions on religious services, disagreeing with the Supreme Court for striking them down.

In another tweet, he downplayed the harmful effects of lockdowns as “annoying, but sustainable” to justify prolonging lockdowns.

His own publication, the New York Times, released a survey of school counselors and therapists that showed that students subjected to prolonged school closures faced various behavioral and mental health issues.

The pandemic certainly brought unique challenges to the United States and the world, and policymakers on both sides of the aisle made mistakes. Still, Krugman might be better off sticking to economics.

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