Just Before Thanksgiving, Boca Raton Swamp Wants to Extend Their Terms
Once again, like thieves in the night, the Boca Raton City Council Swamp is trying to expand its power when voters aren’t watching. The Boca Raton City Council has placed an ordinance on their swampy agenda for their meeting on November 22, 2022 at 6:00 PM.
Ordinance No. 5637 proposes the following:
An ordinance of the City of Boca Raton proposing an amendment to the City Charter changing the terms of office of the Mayor and City Council Member from three (3) years to four (4) years; extending the terms of those council members who terms are due to expire March 2024 by one additional year; providing for submission of the proposed City Charter amendment to the electors of the City at the regular election on March 14, 2023; providing for severability; providing for repealer; providing for codification; providing an effective date
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(Please note, this ordinance has been copied directly from the city agenda, complete with spelling and grammar errors. No changes have been made.)
This means that the city council will vote to have this amendment to the city charter placed on the next ballot for the residents to vote on. But before the people vote, they’ll hit up all their big donors and developers to put money into a PAC to try and overwhelm any opposition.
Why are they doing this? What’s in it for the residents?
This amendment is a power grab, and all you’re doing by extending terms is giving local government the power to continue making the rules for longer. Your local government can ruin your business and your life. I can’t even get approval to have my office building painted with colors the city has already approved. Increased term length makes the bureaucracy even less accountable to the voters.
Mayor Scott Singer and the Boca Raton Swamp Lost Big on Election Day
I believe in term limits, and after my experience dealing with local government, I think the terms should be shorter, not longer. Two-year terms seem considerably more reasonable for local office, and will lead to greater accountability. Show us what you’ve accomplished every two years, and let the people decide if you should continue working for them.
I can’t believe that Boca Raton City Council has the audacity to put something like this on the agenda to benefit them personally. The people elected them for 3 years. So if these people truly believe in the importance of terms being extended, why wouldn’t they suggest this for those who get elected for future terms? This is just obnoxious. Can you imagine if President Donald Trump or President Joe Biden just decided to extend their terms?
Folks, four years is an awfully long time if you’re unhappy with how things are going, and giving more power to government officials benefits the people in office but not you, the actual residents.
Just say no to extended terms and make your voice heard during public discussion by showing up at tomorrow night’s Boca Raton City Council meeting.
Additional stories you may want to read:
Mayor Scott Singer and the Boca Raton Swamp Lost Big on Election Day
Tracy Caruso: The Boca Swamp, Lies, and Incompetence Lost Big on Election Day
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