John R. Smith: The United Nations Is Not Just Useless, It’s Dangerous
The United Nations is a globalist group that demonstrates the absurdity of using an endless process of toothless diplomatic negotiations to seek peace at any price. To people who are truly able to assess its strengths and weaknesses, the U.N. is both laughable and useless. Except for one feature: It can give legitimacy to rogue states. There is value to the dictatorships, totalitarian regimes and criminal nations of the world in seeking authenticity by claiming to be involved in the United Nation’s efforts and leadership.
Even worse, the U.N. has become dangerous. It has failed to disarm terrorist states like Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria and the Sudan, and it has failed to halt nuclear proliferation in outlaw nations like North Korea, China and Iran. If the U.N. did not pose a danger to the future of America, we could just be amused by its failures and move on. But what’s amazing is how the U.N. has continued to exist as the defeats accumulate.
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This is no small matter. This body is supposed to enforce world order, but it aids and abets mass murderers and genocide. It places some of the most despicable governments you can think of — Libya, Cuba, Sudan, China, Venezuela, Somalia, Zimbabwe — on its Human Rights Council, which is supposed to uphold the highest standards in human rights protection. Yet the council is controlled by African and Middle Eastern countries, which vote in blocs and protect one another from criticism over their own human rights violations. Their union ends up creating a massive credibility deficit for the U.N. Even worse, the council is a habitual “get Israel” body. Within a year after it was created, the council passed nine condemnations of Israel, the only country so sanctioned, because of its so-called “violations” in Palestinian territories. The U.N. and human rights make for an oxymoronic partnership, one that defies credibility.
Not convinced? In 2007, Freedom House ranked more than half the 47 members of the Human Rights Council as “unfree” or “partly free.” Not long after, the U.N. elected as its president Miguel d’Escoto, who won the 1985 Lenin Prize and had served as foreign minister of the communist dictatorship in Nicaragua. Quite a sick joke. At one point, the global economic “powerhouse” of Zimbabwe was chosen to head the U.N.’s economic development commission.
The elite liberal bastions and radical left of America — dominated by Hollywood, academia, the mainstream media and the entertainment industry — clamor to give the U.N. a reputation for competence and integrity, when about all it does is pass out food to some refugees. Elitists see the U.N. as effective, “the great hope for humanity.” However, in light of the U.N.’s history of bribes, dangerous dereliction, corruption and financial scandals, its reputation among people who believe in U.S. exceptionalism has plummeted to the bottom of the international barrel.
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Gallup reported in February that well over half of Americans think the U.N. is doing a “poor job” and a third thought it was doing a “good job.” So why does the United States continue to fund more than a quarter of U.N. costs, 75 percent of which goes to administrative, bureaucratic overhead? America is the U.N.’s largest contributor. Congress should use U.S. tax money to pay the U.N. only for programs that are in America’s best interest, and then insist it gets what it pays for.
What will it take for President Biden and the Senate to figure out that the U.N. pretends to serve humanity, but really is an ineffective abomination that most Americans condemn? But don’t hold your breath. As H.L. Mencken said, “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it.”
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