John R. Smith: The Laws of Leadership

Most readers of Florida Jolt will be called upon at least from time to time, perhaps more often, to exercise leadership. How effective are you when leadership is called for? Spend five or ten seconds on each of the following laws, put together by John Maxwell, and ruminate on whether each applies to you:


The Law of the Lid: A person’s effectiveness in life is set by the Lid of leadership ability. The lower a person’s ability to lead, the lower the lid on his/her potential.


The Law of Influence: Leadership is influence. If you can’t influence others, they won’t follow you.

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The Law of Process: Leadership is a process that is developed daily, not in a day. To lead tomorrow, learn today. The secret of success in life is for a person to be ready for his time when it comes.


The Law of Navigation: Leaders must be first-rate navigators who are able to see ahead strategically and chart the course because they prepare well. Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.


The Law of Solid Ground: Trust is the foundation of leadership. Character makes trust possible, and trust makes leadership possible. People trust leaders who live out their values every day.


The Law of Respect: People follow leaders stronger and more skillful than themselves. The greatest test of respect is when a leader creates major change in an organization.


The Law of Magnetism: Who you are is who you attract. The better leader you are, the higher the quality of people you will attract.


The Law of Connection: Good leaders build powerful relationships and have private connections with associates and followers. Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.

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The Law of the Inner Circle: A leader’s potential is determined by the people closest to him. Develop an inner circle. There are no Lone Ranger leaders.


The Law of Empowerment: Only secure leaders give power to others. Pick good people and don’t meddle with them.


The Law of Reproduction: It takes a leader to raise up a leader. Followers can’t develop leaders because people can’t give to others what they themselves do not possess.


The Law of Buy-In: People must buy into you as a leader before they will buy into your vision or your cause. If people believe that you, the messenger, are credible, they will believe your message has value.


The Law of Victory: Leaders figure out what must be done to achieve victory. Anything less is totally unacceptable. Trying doesn’t count.


The Law of Big Mo: Momentum is a leader’s best friend. With enough momentum, nearly any kind of change is possible. Momentum is easier to steer than to start.


The Law of Priorities: Good leaders prioritize. Find out what gives you the greatest return. Activity is not necessarily an accomplishment.


The Law of Sacrifice: A leader must give up to go up. Sacrifice is an ongoing process, and leadership means setting an example. When all else fails, make another sacrifice.


The Law of Timing: When to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. The right action at the right time results in success. Timing is everything; timing missed, opportunity gone.


The Law of Explosive Growth: Leaders who develop followers add one at a time. Leaders who develop leaders multiply their growth. Explosive growth comes from adding leaders, not followers, to your organization.

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