Joe LaFauci Announces Candidacy for PBC Republican State Committeeman

Joe LaFauci Announces Candidacy for Republican State Committeeman of Palm Beach County and Unveils Heavyweight PBC Endorsements.

[Palm Beach County, Florida] – Joe LaFauci, a seasoned political staffer with extensive experience in government and campaigns, announced his candidacy for the position of Republican State Committeeman from Palm Beach County.

With a diverse background that includes service in the Florida House of Representatives, the office of the Governor, and now the Palm Beach County Commission, Joe LaFauci brings a wealth of knowledge and fresh perspective to the Republican Party.

“I am dedicated to preparing the next generation of conservative leaders,” says LaFauci. “To grow the Republican Party’s coalition, we need to engage with younger and more diverse voters. It’s crucial to encourage new Republicans to vote and to deliver a strong victory for President Trump.” ~Joe LaFauci

Joe LaFauci

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Joe’s career spans running campaigns, assisting incumbents in delivering victories for their districts, and utilizing a comprehensive understanding of Florida politics. He served on Governor DeSantis’ campaign and was part of his administration in its first year.

“My mission is to build on the idea of Reagan’s Big Tent party. In the 2022 election, we delivered victory on a message that resonated with everyone. I want to make it clear to the people that the Republican Party of Florida has an agenda that serves the people and welcomes all.” ~Joe LaFauci

Joe also launched the Palm Beach County chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, currently assisting with strategy for its Florida chapter.

Joe is proud to announce endorsements from influential Republican leaders, including:
● Palm Beach County Commissioner Mike Barnett
● Palm Beach County Commissioner Sara Baxter
● State Representative Mike Caruso
● State Representative John Snyder
● State Representative Rick Roth
● Jupiter City Councillor Malise Sundstrom
● Wellington Mayor Ann Gerwig
● “Club 47” President Larry Snowden
● “Club 47” Vice-President Linda Stoch
● “Club 47” Secretary-Treasurer Sue Snowden
● Jay Goldfarb

“I have known Joe LaFauci as an aide in the State House of Representatives, an activist through the Log Cabin Republicans, and now working to assist our Republican majority in the Palm Beach County Commission. Joe has worked tirelessly to advance the mission of our party, and will help continue to deliver new coalitions to elect more Republicans. Joe has my full endorsement for Republican State Committeeman in Palm Beach County”

~ Representative John Snyder.

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State Representative Rick Roth said of his endorsement,

“This Republican legislature is finding innovative ways to help people every day. With a new generation of voters rising up, we need someone like Joe LaFauci to help us deliver our message. This is why I am endorsing Joe for Republican State Committeeman in Palm Beach County.”

The State Committeeman represents Palm Beach County on the executive committee of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF). The election for this seat will take place on August 20, 2024. This is a county-wide elected position.

For media inquiries or additional information, please contact:

Joe [email protected]

Instagram @JoeLaFauciFL

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