Georgia Dem Blasts Her Party for Prioritizing Migrants Over ‘Black Children’

Georgia State Democratic Representative Mesha Mainor took to Twitter yesterday to speak out against her party’s priorities regarding the current immigration crisis and failures to help inner-city children.

“I’m a sitting Democrat in the Georgia House of Representatives and the Democrat Party Establishment is looking to take me out. I’m tired of hearing certain folks in my party chant Black Lives Matter during Election Years but are NOWHERE to be found any other year,” the Tweet caption reads. I will never back down to cancel culture and will NEVER apologize for putting my country over my party. If they think I’m going to back down or simply do as I’m told, they have another coming.”

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In the attached video, Mainor explained that she often found herself “in the crosshairs” of her Democrat caucus in the Georgia House for voting for the best interests of her constituents instead of “party politics.”

“I support school choice, parent rights and opportunities for children to thrive, especially those that are marginalized and tend to fail in school. The Democrats at the [Georgia State] Capitol took a hard position and demanded every Democrat vote against children and for the teachers union. I voted yes for parents and yes for children not failing schools.”

Mainor noted the poor scores in reading and math, partially due to the teachers-union-incentivized school closures during COVID-19.

“Let’s be real; parents do not want their child trapped in a failing school. And they aren’t frustrated with teachers. They’re upset with the elected leaders that put the teachers union and donors ahead of their constituents. If you listen to the people working so hard to push me out of office, you’d think I actually did something wrong. But in reality I didn’t do what they demanded like a good little girl.”

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Mainor also revealed that some members of her caucus have essentially put a bounty on her head. “I have a few colleagues upset with me to the point where they are giving away $1,000 checks to anyone that will run against me,” Mainor said. “I’m not apologizing because my colleagues don’t like how I vote.”

Mainor finished by slamming her fellow Democrats for their priorities on immigration while failing to make a difference for impoverished children.


“It’s ironic. I’ll say every election year, I hear ‘Black Lives Matter.’ But do they? I see every other minority being prioritized except Black children living in poverty that can’t read. We’ll send a million dollars to the border for immigrant services. But Black communities, not even a shout-out. I’m sorry, I don’t agree with this. I’m not backing down and I’m actually just getting started.”

The video kicked up a firestorm of responses, with many conservative observers praising Mainor for her honesty and agreeing with her positions and priorities.



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