Fmr. Hillary Staffer Roasted on Twitter for Calling Parents ‘Far-Right’

A former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer received significant backlash on Friday after he labeled a group advocating for parent inclusion in education ‘far-right.’

The staffer, Amanda Litman, was a digital strategist for Hillary’s failed 2016 Presidential campaign.

Her angry tweet came after Parent Leaders for Accelerated Curriculum and Education, or PLACE, won a significant victory in the city’s school board elections.

‘The far right’s effort to take over schools is not limited to battlegrounds or red states – they just won 40 percent of the elected education roles in NYC,” Litman tweeted.

Litman’s anger stems from the electoral success of a slate of PLACE-endorsed parents who swept recent school board elections in the city, with 75 percent of PLACE-endorsed candidates winning a seat and now making up 40 percent of the board.

PLACE supports policies such as Specialized High School Admissions Tests, or SHSAT, which would make admissions to New York’s specialized high schools merit rather than lottery-based and expanding gifted programs in schools.  The organization also opposes Critical Race Theory.

Twitter users mocked Litman and defended the organization against claims that it is far-right.

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“far right” == people who dont want to teach math is racist, lower test standards.” Said one user.

One of the organization’s co-founders also hopped into Litman’s replies to dispute her characterization of the PLACE as far-right, saying they are nonpartisan.

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“I’m a cofounder,” said Yiatin Chu. “PLACE is a group of parent volunteers who advocate for rigorous accelerated education, which should be nonpartisan. There nothing far right or left about our advocacy.”

Moms for Liberty, an organization recognized across the country for its work in education reform, also took note of Litman’s comments and had a few choice words for her.

“American parents are coming together across party lines to reclaim and reform public education,” the organization wrote.

“People like Amanda are scared that the teachers union won’t be able to control our schools anymore so she is trying to discredit parents and advocates.”

Litman shot back at her critics and labeled Moms for Liberty far-right as well, implying that PACE is guilty by association because Moms for Liberty defended them from her attacks.

“Lottttta verified accounts in my mentions big mad at my characterization of these folks but when Moms for Liberty is cheering you on, I feel pretty confident about who you are & which kids you think are worth fighting for,” she tweeted.

Moms for Liberty was also recently labeled far-right by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an advocacy group that is cited by politicians and news organizations across the country and that receives millions of dollars in funding.

The SPLC put Moms for Liberty on a ‘hate map’ that targets extremist groups across the country.

They struck a defiant tone in response to the accusations.

“Who fundamentally gets to decide what is taught to our kids in school – parents or government employees?” Moms for Liberty said.

“We believe that parental rights do not stop at the classroom door and no amount of hate from groups like this is going to stop that.”

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