Florida Pastor Accused of Drugging & Raping Woman During “Spiritual Revival”
Osceola County pastor Eddy Noelsaint, 50, who pastors the Evangelical Church of the Restoration out of his Kissimmee home, was arrested Tuesday on accusations he raped a woman twice at his home in 2022 during a “spiritual revival,” according to the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office.
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On July 15, 2022, the victim said she was at Noelsaint’s house undergoing what she thought was a “spiritual revival as part of her cultural and religious beliefs.” According to the arrest affidavit, during her baptism at Noelsaint’s church, she was assigned a “spiritual grandmother,” who is Noelsaint’s wife.
That same evening, Noelsaint’s wife left to go to work, and the victim, who lived at the Noelsaint home then, was instructed to shower. Noelsaint reportedly walked into the bathroom asking if he could bathe her, which she declined.

Later that evening, Noelsaint made the victim a green tea from leaves he kept in a bag and kept asking her how she felt while she drank the tea. She said she wasn’t feeling well, so Noelsaint gave her two pills which gave the woman a headache and made her sleepy. A couple of hours later, deputies said he gave her two more pills, and she told Noelsaint to call 911 because she felt her heart racing.
Instead of calling 911, Noelsaint took her into another room and raped her. He also took her wedding ring the next day, telling the woman there were bad spirits contained in it. He told her he threw the ring away when she asked for it.
El pastor Eddy Noelsaint, de 50 años, fue acusado de drogar y abusar de una mujer durante "reavivamiento espiritual" en su domicilio.
➡️ https://t.co/OAGCQlFI5k pic.twitter.com/wlc78Kmg0y— Univision Orlando (@UnivisionOrl) March 4, 2023
"KISSIMMEE, Fla. – A Kissimmee pastor was arrested after he allegedly sexually battered a member of his church twice at his home, Osceola County deputies said.
Eddy Noelsaint, 51,…"https://t.co/0NPH6VbAnl pic.twitter.com/dG3nIF9fFH
— Treegodfather (@MuffDvrGOLD) March 4, 2023
According to the Sheriff’s office, the woman said she could not fight back.
A few months later, in November 2022, the victim went to Noelsaint’s house, thinking she would meet with his wife to help her look for apartments. Instead, when she arrived, Noelsaint was there, and the pastor blocked the victim’s escape, forcing himself on her a second time. She was able to run away to the bathroom afterward as Noelsaint repeatedly apologized, according to the arrest affidavit.
The victim, who spent her entire life in Haiti before moving to Central Florida, recently reported the sexual battery to the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office. On Feb. 28, 2023, Noelsaint met with Sheriff’s investigators. He initially gave them conflicting stories about both incidents. Noelsaint admitted that he believed the woman was sexually attracted to him, and he ultimately confessed to having sex with her in 2022, detectives said.
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He was booked into the Osceola County Jail on two charges of sexual battery and held on a $100,000 bond.
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