Florida Man Trashes Leesburg Subway Shop Because He Was Thirsty
Frederick Charles McPherson, 58, of Leesburg, got a free pair of bracelets and took the ride to the Lake County Jail after being arrested for criminal mischief when he trashed a Leesburg Subway Sandwich Shop because he was thirsty.
On Saturday morning at approximately 3:12 a.m., the Leesburg police department dispatch center received a 911 call referencing a possible case of vandalism. The reporter was a passerby who told dispatchers that they saw a male, later identified as Frederick Charles McPherson throwing rocks at the Subway sandwich shop located at 1320 South 14th street in the city of Leesburg. The reporter stated that the man had broken out the front windows of the restaurant.
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Dispatch put out the call, and Leesburg Police units started heading that way. Upon arrival at the Subway restaurant, Leesburg officers observed two large windows and both front doors of the restaurant smashed out. They also watched a shirtless man named Frederick McPherson standing out front of the heavily damaged Subway restaurant.

McPherson was detained, searched, and, for officer safety, was placed in the back of one of the patrol vehicles. The officers went inside the building to document the amount of damage done, and they found several rocks inside the building, as well as damage to the sandwich cooler, according to the arrest affidavit.
Officers asked McPherson what was going on and why he threw rocks through the window. McPherson did not give them a reason why he smashed up the restaurant windows, doors, and cooler and only said he was “thirsty.”
I’m not sure what the temperature was in Leesburg that night, but many cases such as these are simply a case of a person wanting to be arrested on any charge so they can go to jail and have a warm place to stay and get something to eat. That might sound strange but believe me, it happens frequently.
Many homeless people travel south in the winter to escape the northern cold and snow. In Orlando, when the homeless shelters and the Salvation army facility were packed up, some people committed petty crimes so they could be arrested and get a ride to jail, where they got a bed and a meal. Your tax dollars are hard at work, folks.
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McPherson was arrested for criminal mischief with damage over $1,000, which is a third-degree felony, and the arresting officer noted that the damage was estimated to be more than $3,000. McPherson was transported to the Lake County Jail, where he is being held on a $2,000 bond, as McPherson has not yet bonded out. His court date has been set for March 6th, 2023.
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