Florida Man Gets Shot on Bodycam While Charging Deputies With Knife

Florida Man Michael Collmar, 43, of New Smyrna Beach, is in the hospital after charging at deputies with two knives. The shooting was caught on tape in a newly released bodycam video by the Volusia Sheriff’s office.

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Volusia County Deputies responded to a home off Lakeshore Drive Sunday afternoon after they said a man, later identified as 43-year-old Michael Collmar, was having another mental health episode, waving two knives, and threatening his mom and others.

Michael Collmar

According to the sheriff’s office, the incident was the second time in the past three weeks that Collmar exhibited erratic behavior.

Deputies were talking to Collmar for almost an hour, trying to calm him down without luck. Deputies then entered the home’s back door and deployed tasers and a shotgun with less-lethal beanbag rounds to subdue him. Still, despite the taser deployments, Collmar ran out the home’s front door, where another deputy was, charging toward him armed with two knives.

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The deputy feared for his life and started firing at Collmar, who went down as the rounds hit home. Deputies treated Collmar at the scene by plugging the holes, and paramedics took him to the hospital for surgery.

Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood said Collmar faces four counts of assault on law enforcement when he gets out of the hospital.

Collmar’s parents nor any of the deputies were injured in the incident.

Collmar is a frequent flyer with law enforcement. On Jan. 17, Deputies responded to the same house where his parents live after his mother reported he was armed, screaming, paranoid, and possibly hallucinating during an apparent mental health episode.

Deputies said he was not receptive to the deputies’ attempts to communicate with him and connect him with counseling services.

Deputies shared that they’ve been called to the home for issues involving Collmar five times this year. NBC Affiliate WESH reported that the neighbors have been living on the edge.

“It’s kind of unnerving to come home and see down the road a bunch of police cars and crime scene tape. You know, it’s like what happened?” neighbor Vickie Lucksan told WESH.

Sheriff Mike Chitwood said the address had been flagged so responding deputies know not to go to the residence alone.

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On Monday, Chitwood held a press conference where he gave updates on Collmar and the incident. The sheriff said the 43-year-old is bipolar and schizophrenic. He said Collmar’s parents have refused to have him be placed into mental health evaluation and care under the Baker Act.

“The guy is off the rails,” Chitwood said. “I don’t know what more we could have done. It’s a matter of time before the parents end up dead with this guy.”

According to the Volusia Sheriff’s Office, Collmar was released from prison in October 2022 after serving about four years for charges, including aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.

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His arrest, in that case, came after he stabbed a Port Orange man multiple times in July 2017.

His criminal history includes 31 felony charges with 17 convictions and 33 misdemeanor charges with 19 convictions.

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