Florida Lawmakers Say No More Forced Jabs or Face Mask Muzzles
Florida lawmakers are saying no more Jab and no more oxygen-inhibiting mouth muzzle. Welcome to the Free State of Florida, where our GOP-led legislature has given us even more freedom with SB 252 (HB 1013), a bill titled Protection From Discrimination Based on Health Care Choices, sponsored by Republican State Representative Philip Wayne “Griff” Griffitts, Jr. When this bill, which passed along party lines is signed into law by Governor DeSantis, no one in Florida will have to get the COVID-19 vaccine to enter a business or wear a face mask.

People have been discriminated against for choosing not to get the COVID vaccine. Once Governor DeSantis passes this new law, it will be against the law to require an individual to take a COVID-19 test or wear a facial covering to gain access to a business or use services. They will also no longer be able to document vaccination status for any COVID-19, mRNA, or EUA vaccine.

This new law is essential because it protects Floridians from discrimination for refusing to comply with specific mandates, and it safeguards a patient’s right to make personal medical decisions about COVID-19 treatment alternatives.
Here’s the best part. We all know stories about people who were prescribed Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine but couldn’t get it. People were dying from COVID and couldn’t get treatment alternatives such as these because the treatments weren’t FDA-approved for COVID, even though it seemed it wasn’t being dispensed for political reasons. Whatever the real reason, people were denied access to these treatments in many hospitals, and others couldn’t get their prescriptions filled.

Representative Griffitts says, “A patient can now use any drug if a doctor and patient have the informed consent documented.” This new law prohibits hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies from interfering with patients’ right to choose treatment alternatives under certain circumstances. A doctor and patient can no longer deny alternative treatments consented to. Griffitts says, “Pharmacies are exempt from any disciplinary action based on dispensing drugs that a doctor orders.”
Representative Griffitts went on to say this to Jolt;
I am proud of the work that we did to guarantee the rights of individuals to make healthcare decisions without interference from government or employers. We are the Freedom State, but how can we truly be free if government can mandate a medical procedure or vaccine without an individual’s consent? The Covid pandemic showed that there are some Agency bureaucrats who will look for any health emergency to flex their regulatory muscle or force an agenda. In Florida, that will never be possible again. -Rep. Griff Griffitts (R-Panama City)
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It is important to note that this law will cover all businesses in the state, including sole proprietorships. According to the majority office, the bill defines a “business entity” as any form of corporation, partnership, association, cooperative, joint venture, business trust, or sole proprietorship that conducts business in this state and includes a charitable organization or any other company operating in this state. In other words, it consists of every type of business you can think of, except hospitals or doctor’s offices that must submit info that they are a place that requires masks based on AHCA and DOH guidelines. However, that info must be publicly accessible on their websites or conspicuously displayed in the lobby of the healthcare setting.

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These protections will now be enforced by the Department of Legal Affairs, in charge of enforcing the mandate prohibitions for business and governmental entities, and the DOH enforcing the bans for educational institutions. Each separate violation of the respective section may incur a fine of up to five thousand dollars imposed by the individual agency.
This law is a massive win for Floridians because it preserves our freedom and protects us against discrimination. We’ll all be free to work and enjoy recreational activities without being subjected to nasal violations for COVID testing, facial breathing inhibitors with masks, or submitting to vaccines people do not believe in.
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