FAU Board Chair Needs To Go Now Insist Callers to Chancellor Rodrigues

Tuesday’s FAU Board of Trustees meeting was a disgrace that’s left some members saying Chair Brad Levine needs to go today, along with anyone who stands with him. My sources say that some trustees are calling University Chancellor Ray Rodrigues to discuss the insanity of Tuesday’s meeting and ask for Levine’s removal. 

It appears that Chair Levine spearheaded the movement not to hire Governor DeSantis’s recommendation for FAU President, State Representative Randy Fine. The reasons for not hiring Fine appear to be based on nothing more than a progressive, liberal university pushing an academically WOKE agenda instead of doing what’s best for the university. 

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FAU Board of Trustee Chair Brad Levine

To recap, during the Tuesday trustee meeting, Chair Brad Levine claimed that Vice Chair Barbara Feingold and board member Alan Levine agreed with the final candidate choices for FAU president. Feingold, who was on the phone during the meeting, became hooting mad at the claim and said Chair Levine was lying. Levine then asked if Feingold was still planning on giving the school a thirty million dollar pledge, an outrageously inappropriate comment. The next day, the annual Kumbaya trustee retreat was canceled. 

Today, calls are going out to Chancellor Rodriguez asking for a call to action to rebuke Chair Levine publicly. They want him out today and would like Rodrigues to strongly suggest that anyone who disagrees with the removal of Levine leave with him. 

Brad Levine has torn down FAU, shamed the school, and possibly lost state support. A public rebuking needs to happen. This is not the Brad Levine Show. He is a trustee at this school at the pleasure of the Governor. He’s here today, but he may go tomorrow. 

Other stories you may want to read:

Owls or Bird Brains – FAU Board Cancels Annual Retreat

WOKE University FAU Won’t Drop Liberal Agenda & It Will Cost Them


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