Ex-Anheuser Busch Exec Reveals How Investment Firms Force Companies to Go Woke

A former Anheuser-Busch executive revealed in a recent interview that corporate wokeism, like that of Bud Light’s disastrous partnership with Dylan Mulvaney, often begins with investment firms pressuring them to pay tribute to DEI, ESG, and other left-wing agenda items.

Ex-beer conglomerate executive Anson Frericks gave a behind-the-scenes view of the politics influencing corporations in an interview this week with Fox News‘ Jesse Waters. Frericks claims most politically slanted decisions – such as Bud Light’s partnership with transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney –  stem from the politicking of investment firms.

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Frericks said the significant firms in question, such as New York-based BlackRock and Pennsylvania-based Vanguard, along with State Street, manage about $20 trillion in capital. He also clarified that the funds are not truly “their” money but that of the investments of Americans’ mutual funds and state pension funds. It is through attaching ideological strings to this capital, and where they invest it, that these firms puppeteer corporate political leanings.

But why are so many major investment firms woke in the first place? According to Frericks, the answer is in the halls of governmental power. According to the former exec, one of the firms manages California’s pension fund — the largest in the country — and therefore, California politicians hold sway in the corporate governance and investment choices of the firms they invest heavily in.

“In California, for example, they recently have mandated those large pension funds that they divest from things like fossil fuels and oil and gas, and then when Bill de Blasio, [former] mayor of New York, was there, he did the same thing,” Frericks said.

“But they also tell BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard if they’re going to manage their money, they have to commit to things like ESG — diversity, equity, inclusion — and adopt firm-wide commitments that they therefore then force onto all the major companies in corporate America.”

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But it’s not just imposing priorities on the companies they invest in. The big three investment firms also take explicit political stances themselves. Frerick gave an example involving the MLB All-Star Game cancellation.

“You had the citizens of Georgia, they voted for representatives to make sure we could have election integrity laws. You have to have an ID to vote, and for that ID to vote — this seemed like a pretty logical law. I was kind of surprised in Georgia didn’t have it. But what was crazy to me was that after the fact, BlackRock came out and they said, ‘We’re against this law. We think this is bad for democracy, this is bad for society,’ and they basically then had companies like Coca-Cola, like Delta and heck — even Major League Baseball, they canceled an All-Star Game over this.”

Frerick also railed against this top-down setup of cultural norms, claiming it’s “bad for democracy.”

“But frankly, it’s bad for democracy as well. Citizens should be able to decide these things through free and fair elections, not necessarily with a small group of asset managers and CEOs that are telling individuals how to live their lives,”

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