Dylan Mulvaney Wants to Date Women – Have Babies, Get Pregnant

Dylan Mulvaney, the man who single-handedly cost Anheuser Busch billions in revenue, has come out to tell everyone that he wants to get married to a woman and he wants to have babies.

Mulvaney told his father about his plans, and his dad said he’d love to see Dylan be a dad, but Dylan told his dad that he would be the child’s mother.

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Dylan Mulvaney


Mulvaney says he’s attracted to women and would like to marry one. It seems Mulvaney is now heterosexual since he’s a male attracted to women.

Comments on Twitter range from Mulavany’s just doing this to agitate and further his 15 minutes of fame to people encouraging him to have a baby and others having no idea what the Hell is going on here!

Colin Rugg of Trending Politics says, “For those keeping track, Mulvaney went from a gay male to a trans’ woman’ who was still attracted to men, to a lesbian trans ‘woman’ or also known as a straight male.

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