Cost of Courage: Mike Caruso Persecuted for Opposing Leadership’s Amnesty Agenda


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Retaliation for voting against Leadership’s bill.

As a member of the legislature, my most important duty is to do what’s best for Florida. By voting against a weak pro-amnesty bill and standing strong with Governor DeSantis, I put Floridians first.

Today, the Speaker of the Florida House took petty, retaliatory measures against me for standing strong and voting against lousy legislation for Florida and all of America. Simply put, the House’s bill doesn’t do what it needs to do.

By voting against the disingenuously titled “Trump Act,” a pro-amnesty bill that doesn’t have the word deport or deportation anywhere in it, a bill that allows catch and release, I was stripped of my chairmanship, and my corner office was taken away.

When I filed bills that were never heard that supported the Governor’s strong agenda, I knew what the “consequences” would be and did it anyway because Florida and America come first.

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My bills called for much stronger legislation. I was the lone Republican to vote against the weak “Trump Act.” Please make no mistake: this bill was intentionally crafted to mislead Floridians into thinking it was doing something that it wasn’t. It duped the many legislators who blindly followed the Speaker, did what they were told they had to do, and didn’t even read it. If there’s one thing that should have been a red flag to all, it was the idea of putting the Commissioner of Agriculture in charge of illegal immigration. As Governor DeSantis has said, this is like the fox guarding the hen house. This alone was a reason to vote down this bill.

For me, there never were any actual consequences to be concerned about because things like corner offices were not why my constituency elected me. Good governance is why I’m here, and that’s it. I stand for Floridians and would never sell out our people for an office.

I am confident that under the Governor’s strong leadership, good legislation against illegal immigration that helps Floridians and is a blueprint for the rest of the country will get heard and passed, and common sense will prevail.

Just know that I will stand firm in my convictions, and I will never stop fighting for the people of Florida, especially when it comes to illegal immigration.


Mike Caruso Signature Florida State Representative, House District 87

Mike Caruso,
State Representative, House District 87

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