Charlize Theron Vows to ‘F–k Anybody Up’ Who Disapproves of Drag Shows

Hollywood liberal Charlize Theron appeared on the live program “Drag Isn’t Dangerous” on Sunday and declared that she is ready to “f–k anybody up” who disapproves of drag queens. Theron was joined on the telethon by a long lineup of Hollywood stars in a bid to fundraise for LGBTQ groups, who they say have been marginalized by recent laws prohibiting minors from watching sexualized drag performances.

“We love you, queens” Theron said on the program, receiving cheers from her entourage.

“We’re in your corner, and we’ve got you, and I will f–k anybody up who’s, like, trying to f–k with anything with you guys.”

The actress appeared to reference recent legislation regulating public drag shows in order to keep minors from being exposed to sexualized performances.

As America’s left-wing doubles down Drag Queen Story Hours and all-ages drag shows, more states such as Texas and Tennessee are moving to protect children from so-called “groomers. Tennessee Senate Bill 3, for example, prohibits “topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators in presence of minors.”

Theron, however, dismissed the idea that the performances posed any harm to children.

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“In all seriousness, there’s so many things that are hurting and really killing our kids,” the actress said. “We all know what I’m talking about right now, and it ain’t no drag queen.”

“If you’ve ever seen a drag queen lip sync for her life it only makes you happier. It only makes you love more. It makes you a better person.”

Theron then urged her audience to “Please support all the great organizations that are out there helping all of this nonsense going away, like it should.”

“All of these incredible, stupid policies … no more room for hate, only love, and love equals drag queens!”

Theron was joined on the program by several other celebrities, Melissa McCarthy, Adam Lambert, Jesse Eisenberg, and Sarah Silverman

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Theron herself is the mother of two adopted children. In a 2019 interview with The Daily Mail, she admitted that she has been raising her oldest son as a girl since he was three years old, after he told her that he was “not a boy.”

“My daughter’s story is really her story, and one day, if she chooses, she’ll tell her story,” Theron told the outlet. “I feel like as her mother, for me, it was important to let the world know that I would appreciate it if they would use the right pronouns for her.”

Charlize Theron needs to stay away from my kids,” one Twitter commenter wrote in response to her most recent comments.

“More threats and calls for violence against those who oppose providing drag queens and transgender people access to children in schools and libraries from Charlize Theron. Words like hers inspired the Nashville trans killer.” – @amuse

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