Ann Coulter Tells Nikki Haley ‘Go Back To Your Own Country’ In Interview Attacking 2024 Candidate

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter attacked 2024 candidate Nikki Haley this week, telling the Carolina-born former governor to ‘go back to your own country,’ referring to India. Coulter appeared on the Mark Simone Show on Wednesday and is facing criticism for her comments.

“She’s an absolutely ridiculous character,” Coulter said, referring to Haley. “And the only people who say they support her are people who probably, genuinely are sexist. And, ‘Oh I support the girl. Good for you. You like girls!’”

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Haley announced her 2024 White House bid on Tuesday, the first major public figure to do so since her former boss Donald Trump’s announcement in November. Despite a previous pledge not to run against Trump, Haley announced she would be seeking the presidency in a video and called for “generational change” in the Republican party.

“No, she’s utterly, completely, preposterously ridiculous. I don’t think she will get more than 2% of the vote.” Coulter told Simone. “And you know how I hate making predictions about things like that, but she’s just a preposterous creature.”

Haley was born in Bamberg, South Carolina to immigrant Sikh parents from Punjab, India. During her announcement, she introduced herself as the “proud daughter of Indian immigrants.” Despite Haley being American-born, Coulter told the presidential hopeful to “go back” to India—comments that elicited backlash online.

“But her candidacy did remind me that I need to immigrate to India so I can demand they start taking down parts of their history. What’s with the worshipping of the cows? They’re all starving over there and they’re worshipping cows? Do you know they have a rat temple where they worship? Rats? Hey babycakes, why don’t you go back to your own country and reconsider that history?”

The group Republicans Against Trumpism said in response, “I’m not a fan of Nikki Haley, but Ann Coulter is a POS racist who should be denounced by everyone.”

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ABC News Correspondant Terry Moran wrote, “Haley, of course, was born in the USA. But the Coulters have always been with us, forever telling the Germans, Irish, Italians, Jews, Chinese, Poles, Mexicans etc, to ‘go back.’”

This is not the first time Coulter has made the news for bashing Haley. In 2015, she was condemned by an Indian-American advocacy group for comments made after then-Governor Haley approved the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the South Carolina capitol.

“I would really like to like Nikki Haley since she is a Republican,” Coulter said at the time. “On the other hand, she is an immigrant and does not understand America’s history.”

Coulter argued at the time that the flag was an important part of Southern history. She emphasized that the battle flag had not flown over any official Confederate buildings and said it was only hung in the capitol as a tribute to the dead.

At the time, Haley stated that, “for many people in our state, the flag stands for traditions that are noble. Traditions of history, of heritage, and of ancestry,” but insisted that “for many others in South Carolina, the flag is a deeply offensive symbol of a brutally oppressive past.” She has defended her decision over the years.

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In her 2024 announcement speech, Haley told her supporters, “My parents left India in search of a better life. They found it in Bamberg, South Carolina, population 2,500… My parents knew, and every day, they reminded me, my brothers, and my sister that even on our worst day, we are blessed to live in America.”

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